The Alchemy of Artfulness

astrology gene keys mercury retrograde mindset Dec 18, 2023

Rather than becoming a victim of our circumstances or falsely believing that we are entitled to anything, what if we started asking how we could be of service to all those who are hurting?


I've been contemplating the 26th Gene Key over the last week. The shadow of this Gene Key is Pride, the gift is Artfulness and the siddhi is Invisibility. As usual, whenever I sit with a certain Gene Key, it comes to life in my daily experience. This week has been no exception.

In Richard Rudd's Gene Key 26 – Audio, he shares that the gift of artfulness is all about knowing "how to make the best of a bad situation." That's definitely an art form that will come in handy during times like these. As I write this, we are deep in the thick of a Mercury Retrograde, an astrological portal that occurs three to four times a year creating communication issues and technological glitches. If you've been feeling the setbacks you are not alone.

In the last week, my daughter got strep throat and so did I. My car also needed some expensive repairs and I had to pray my torn and worn last contact would hold on for dear life as I waited for the late arrival of a new pair. I feel like I may have a head start on making magic out of trash situations because nothing surprises me anymore. However, being more cognizant of Rudd's words has helped me to pay even more attention to these little inconveniences. I chose to see my daughter's sickness as a time to nurture and love her even more. I saw mine as an opportunity to rest and be kinder to myself. I recognized others must also be feeling this too and I did my best to smile more at people I passed, listen to them and bring in more gratitude for the things that were going well.

We're all struggling in one way or another. Society programs us to see the world as a competitive place that we have to force our will upon to get by. It's no wonder we are humbled by life over and over again when we act from this place of fear and separation. As we see things from a higher perspective, no one is winning unless everyone is winning. So how do we "make the best of a bad situation" collectively?

The answer is trading in the pride of our individual will for something much larger and more satisfying, divine will. Rather than becoming a victim of our circumstances or falsely believing that we are entitled to anything, what if we started asking how we could be of service to all those who are hurting? What if we went a step further and asked how we could be of service with the most style, grace and artistry? Then we would be getting somewhere.

Rudd poses two questions in the Gene Key 26 – Audio that can point you in the direction of transforming pride into artfulness. The first is, “will you be remembered as a giver or a taker by cosmic intelligence and by the lords of karma?" The second is, “what is the most you could do to really create positive and lasting change on this planet during this lifetime?”

When we start thinking in these terms, we move from the victim mentality of "me" to the innovative power of "we". I invite you to contemplate on these eye opening questions and listen for the wisdom that is waiting to be revealed within your own soul. For a further dive deep you can read all about Gene Key 26 in the Gene Keys book and listen to the enlightening audio HERE. If you want to explore the possibilities of the Gene Keys in your own life, you can also book your Gene Keys Session with me HERE

Once you learn how to make the best of every situation, you become unstoppable. When you go a step further and lift others up with you, then you're on the fast track to moving in harmony with the flow of the universe and the divine will to prosper all.