The Intelligence of Idealism
Dec 25, 2023
Heaven on Earth is not only possible it's inevitable, even in the darkest of times. How can committing to this ideal change your relationship with life? How can it change your relationship to your dreams?
What feels somewhere over the rainbow to you? I've been contemplating the 11th Gene Key recently and The Wizard of Oz perfectly encapsulates its message. The shadow of this Gene Key is Obscurity, the gift is Idealism and the siddhi is Light.
In the movie, Dorothy winds up in the land of Oz and is desperate to return home to Kansas. Glinda, the Good Witch of the North tells her that if she follows the yellow brick road it will lead her to the Great and Powerful Oz. He will be able to grant her wish to go home. On the way, she befriends the Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion. Each of them begin a quest to Oz for a brain, a heart, a home and courage. Once they reach the land of Oz, the Wizard commands them to kill the Wicked Witch of the West before their wishes can be heard and granted. They overcome all odds to complete the task only to discover the Great and Powerful Oz was simply a man behind a curtain. Fortunately, through the personal transformation of their arduous journey they realize everything they were searching for was within them all along.
In Richard Rudd's Gene Keys 11 Audio, he shares that obscurity is "about giving away your own inner light" and it has to do with our "addiction to seeking rather than finding." In the Gene Keys book, he goes on to describe the repressive nature of this shadow as fantasizing and the reactive nature as deluded. Whenever we look outside of ourselves for the light, we end up lost in a world of forgotten dreams and distant memories losing ourselves along the way. Just like Dorothy and her friends who gave their power away to The Wizard of Oz, we can experience this same dynamic in our relationships to our spiritual teachers, mentors and even friends. Though others can show us their own path on the yellow brick road, we must take the steps ourselves. I invite you to contemplate on where you have "given away your own inner light." Where have you stopped believing in your dreams?
As a write this, it's Christmas day, but it doesn't feel like the happiest of holiday seasons. Since October 7th, over 26,000 people have been killed in Gaza with nearly 10,000 of them being children. That means that literally six children are dying in Palestine every single hour! Here in the US, we are in a silent depression as inflation has skyrocketed prices of nearly everything leaving millions of Americans struggling to survive and get their basic needs met. In the wake of global disasters and perilous times the question remains, where is the light?
The gift of idealism invites us to envision a world beyond the madness. In the Gene Keys 11 Audio, Rudd tells us that “we must strive for the very highest and most outlandish ideal" and just like magic "all our energies" will "begin to organize themselves around that ideal.” Idealism has an intelligence that takes us step by step to toward the direction of our dreams. Dorothy knew there was no place like home and her commitment to her ideal got her there, even when her hopes were dashed and her expectations were crushed.
Humanity is heartbroken. We are tired. We are overwhelmed and we are hurting. But we can't give up on our dreams. Instead, we must search within to find how that light wants to express itself through us and take the actions that are required to get us moving. Heaven on Earth is not only possible, it's inevitable, even in the darkest of times. How can committing to this ideal change your relationship with life? How can it change your relationship to your dreams?
Yesterday, I attended a candlelight ceremony for Christmas Eve. It was such a beautiful experience. One candle represented the Christ or Christ consciousness and from that one light every candle in the congregation was lit. As the light shimmered in that room, I was reminded of how the awakening process begins. There is a glimmer and a spark and then another and another. Before you know it, all you can see is light.
Idealism is the path for transforming obscurity into light. We can't look outside ourselves for the answers and we can't get lost in the heaviness of suffering either. Instead, we must hold to the highest ideal for this planet to return to love and do our part to shine the light in the darkness. Are you willing to listen to the intelligence of your heart? Are you able to accept that what you're looking for is already here? in some ways Heaven on Earth is an ideal that's just over the rainbow. In truth it is the only thing that's real.
For a further dive deep you can read all about Gene Key 11 in the Gene Keys book and listen to the illuminating audio HERE. If you want to explore the possibilities of the Gene Keys in your own life, you can also book your Gene Keys Session with me HERE.