So You're a Starseed.....

Now What?


Join Meagan Mermaid in Galactic Leadership Training, a Master Class Series and comprehensive self-study course to understand the core components of Starseeds and their mission for humanity


Galactic Leadership Training with Meagan Mermaid

Ever Wish There was a Manual for Starseed Awakening?

You came to Earth to fulfill the blueprint of your energetic soul signature. But where do you start? What if there was a guide that walked you through every vulnerable step of the Starseed Journey? There is! The Galactic Federation of Light has asked me to channel a curriculum of leadership empowerment for Starseeds in this time of great awakening.

Topics include:

  • What is a Starseed?
  • How to Thrive as a Starseed in Human Form
  • How to Work with Your Star Family
  • Karmic Partners and Karmic Neutrlization
  • Types of Starseeds
  • Activating Your Starseed Mission
  • Starseeds and Their Role in Humanity's Evolution

Could You Use More Galactic Guidance?

  • Discover your Galactic origin by learning about selected Star Nations
  • Receive the help of your Star Family and gain practical tools for your journey of awakening
  • Create better relationships and feel more connected to your Starseed Mission 

The Galactic Federation of Light, Sirians, Pleiadians, Orions, Mintakans, Lyrans, Andromedans and Arcturians provide teachings, empowerments, DNA Activations and chakra clearings in this transformative Master Class Series and self-study course with over 6 hours of content!


What's Included in Starseed 101: Galactic Leadership Training...


Introduction to Galactic Leadership Training

In Class 1, The Galactic Federation of Light will be guiding you in the new rules of this New Earth experiment including:

  • Welcome Message and overview of course curriculum
  • Teachings for how to operate in New Earth consciousness 
  • Guided Journey to connect to the GFL Mothership and receive your next action steps.

Having Fun with Excellence

In Class 2, The Sirians will be guiding you in how to have fun with sacredness and self mastery including:

  • Receive the script for your role in this New Earth experiment
  • Ten steps for cultivating joy and having fun in a sacred way
  • Guided Journey to Sirian Headquarters for shame removal upgrades and activations for empowerment

Playing the Karmic Partner Game and Karmic Neutralization

In Class 3, The Pleiadians and The Mintakans will be guiding you in understanding the Karmic Partner Game including:

  • How to find the pearls in your personal relationships
  • Karmic neutralization and the role of karmic partnerships
  • Guided Journey to Alcyon for the witnessing of the Great Severing and the visioning of the Great Reunion

Downloading Divine Wisdom and Intelligence

In Class 4, The Arcturians will be guiding you in how to download divine wisdom and intelligence including:

  • How to accept divine wisdom and trust your inner guidance
  • Helpful tips for channeling and activating your psychic gifts
  • Guided Journey to Arcturus for practical application and frequency upgrades and attunements


Healing Yourself by Healing the Earth

In Class 5, The Andromedans and The Lyrans will be guiding you in how to heal yourself by healing the Earth including:

  • The meaning and importance of the Starseed-Earth Alliance
  • Practical steps for resourcing the wisdom of the Earth
  • Guided Journey to Cassiopeia for healing attunements and light frequency activations


Living in the Eternal Now

In Class 6, The Orions will be guiding you in how to access the power of the Eternal Now including:

  • Resourcing the benefits of the Starseed Sponsorship Program

  • Embodied teachings for how to live in the Eternal Now

  • Guided Journey to Betelgeuse to meet your Star Family sponsors and connect to Eternal Now Consciousness

This Revolutionary Curriculum Is For You If...

  • You feel like you're a Starseed and you're on a journey of awakening
  • You want to connect to your purpose and creative genius
  • You're a natural healer, teacher, empath or explorer of consciousness 
  • You're ready to receive galactic wisdom to better understand yourself and others

I'm Meagan Mermaid and I am a Galactic Guide and Channel for Galactic Consciousness....


I support Star Beings in fulfilling their Starseed Mission by activating their creative genius and receiving the support they deserve from their Star Families.

As the Oracle for the High Council of Sirian Elders and The Mermaids of Sirius, I teach Mermaid Consciousness — a path to Ascension paved in beauty, bliss and sovereign sensuality.

You deserve support in your journey of healing and awakening to the bliss of this New Earth experiment.

Allow my gifts to guide you in activating your highest potential and embodying your Galactic Soul Signature.



Galactic Leadership Training with Meagan Mermaid

Course Investment


Includes Access to Digital Course